My Sweet Ocean, My Catalyst For Change

I took these pictures today at the beach while plopped on a lounge chair soaking in the glimmers of sunshine on this cloudy day. I saw the images, taken less than 10 minutes apart,  as a symbol of how life is always changing and evolving.

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I was so happy to be there today since it has been over seven months that I go to the place that gives me peace and inspiration. When I started Mi Caminar, I was inspired by the sounds of the ocean and the tranquility it gave me. It was my form of therapy amidst many big changes in my life.

In Spanish: Mi Dulce Mar, Mi Catalizador Para el  Cambio

Last month, I made a decision to partner with a web developer, Lee Hodson, in my Social Media consulting business. No man is an island and I believe in the importance of collaborating and having trust in someone else’s abilities which can complement my own talents. This is a big change, but it feels good.

I also believe that the energy of two people working harmoniously can result in synergy, and ultimately benefit those that hire us because the results will be greater than the combination of the two.   According to Wikipedia:

Synergy may be defined as two or more things functioning together to produce a result not independently obtainable.

So remember, change is good, embrace it, because you never know where it might lead you. And hopefully, this year, I can come back more often to enjoy the ocean’s beauty. She has been a catalyst for many of  my transformations these past years. I mustn’t take her for granted. Thank you sweet ocean….I’ll be back soon.

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