My Mom’s Love : Perfect Amidst My Imperfections

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Cotton Shirt I Wore As An Infant

What is a mother? One who bears life.

I have been lucky to have been gifted with a mother who bore five children and who gave love equally to all of us. The name of this blog, Mi Caminar which means My Walk, came from her inspiration and was coincidently launched on her birthday.

The other day she brought me a tiny cotton shirt that I had worn as an infant. It was neatly folded and impeccably maintained….well except for one stain. She saved it with love after all these decades.

I am grateful for the unconditional love and nurturing my mom has given me. These past few years, we have shared many beautiful moments of sharing from the heart. I cherish each day I can hear her voice and know that she remains present in my life.

There was a short time in my life when we had some friction, although the love on both ends was always present. It was during the time after I divorced. It was difficult for her to understand what I was going through as a divorcee because of her Latin culture. She was a stay at home mom all her life and luckily, to this day is still married to my father. I was a divorced mom, independent and working full time. We lived very different realities. It wasn’t all her fault though, because I shut down due to my pain at the time.

But all that is lost in the wind and we have come full circle, sharing wisdom and inspiration daily and discussing life lessons.

And just like this sweet shirt that has been saved with love for so many years, I know in my heart, I can hold her love in a similar way, with great care, for as long as God gives us time together in this world.
I Love You, Mom. Happy Mother’s Day.

P.S. I kind of like the little stain on it. I see it as a symbol the imperfection within us. Everything doesn’t have to be perfect. I will keep it and remember the perfect love my mom gave to me even with all my faults.

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My Mom, Blanca

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