Blogger Friends & Friends of The Heart

Last week I attended Hispanicize conference. It was a massive event with about 800 attendees, many of them bloggers. I was able to catch up with two bloggers I have had the luck to meet in person at several conferences before, Denisse Icaza of Ahorros Para Mama and Mirna Arce of Ahorros Con Cupones.

Denisse was one of my roommates at Blogher in August, 2010 in my first blogging conference I ever attended. It was fun to spend a great deal of time getting to know her beautiful, sweet spirit and to learn everything she was doing with her blog.

En Español: Amigas Blogueras, Amigas de Corazon

I first learned about Mirna when she got up introduce herself at a panel at Blogalicious in October, 2010. She had just launched her blog and was so bubbly and enthusiastic that it made everyone laugh and smile. I was able to get a short clip of her talking away in her euphoric moment. (See the beginning of the video.)








So I was thrilled to spend some quality time with both of them over dinner at Hispanicize as well as with another great friend whom I have formed a similar bond with, Maria De Los Angeles. It was really an inspiring moment to hear how their friendship has formed and now are collaborating in an online chat about their common topic: coupons. The next one is this Tuesday, April 24th.

In their first chat, they got a great attendee response and the readers had questions beyond coupons. They have each built their own communities and now are interacting live in this weekly chat talking about life, family, kids etc.

Having dinner with Denisse and Mirna made my heart warm up because this is the reason that I started this blog, to share stories that have heart and meaning. I know I haven’t been blogging much in this past year because I have been super busy starting my digital agency, VizRed with a business partner. But in all that busyness has made me miss my blogging so much.

Being with Mirna and Denisse ignited that spark again and made my attendance at Hispanicize so worthwhile and I hope to get back my blogging mojo very fast!  The conference was very well organized with fantastic panels and information. But the best part was moments like this, the connections and hearing stories that uplift.

If you have any blogger friendship inspirational story, let me know. I want to video you!:)

Follow Mirna on Twitter: @ahorrosconcupon

Follow Denisse on Twitter: @ahorrosparamama or @denisseicaza

Pictures  I took to Hispanicize conference on my Mi Caminar Facebook page. Please Tag yourself and like my page. I promise I will be posting more inspiring stories soon;)

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