Happy 1 Year Anniversary Laurita!

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I was fortunate to meet a very inspirational young woman at Blogher.  Laurita Tellado has a blog called Holdin Out For A Hero. Her mission is to bring awareness to those that have Spina Bifida. We connected right away and took the opportunity to video her to help support her cause.

I have been so busy since I came back from Blogher and finally got to my video clips this weekend. Luckily, I was able to listen to her again and realized that the one year anniversary of her blog is today!  So I am happy to share this  because Laurita inspired me so much. Her smile and energy is contagious.

When I was a freshman in high school,  I met Beki, who was to become my best friend for life.  At 12 years old, she was wearing a body brace due to severe scoliosis. She had to wear that bulky body brace 24/7. After 3 years of knowing her, she came up to me at school one day with a big smile asking me if I noticed anything different. I looked and looked without “seeing”  any change. Finally, after a couple of minutes, she burst out that she no longer had the brace. It was so strange. I never paid attention to the body brace. She was just Beki, my fun loving silly friend. …

Happy 1 Year Anniversary Laurita! Read More »