Maria Celeste Shares How Leadership Is Standing Against All Odds

In this interview with Maria Celeste, I ask her what her definition of leadership is. Maria Celeste is a well known host of Telemundo’s, Al Rojo Vivo.

Two key points she said about leadership are:

  • Standing against all odds for what you believe.
  • Acting in a certain way that you believe even when no one around is looking.

Articulo y video en Español: Liderazgo: Se Hace, No Se Nace

When asked about tips for how to move forward quickly in a small business or company, she said that most companies hire from within. So doing a job that may be beneath you in the beginning, might end up reaping rewards later on.I do believe that success is something that doesn’t happen overnight. Sometimes we suddenly see someone rise up to the top, but I am certain that 100% of the time, there are a lot of long hours of dedication in the background. Patience, persistence and a belief in your dreams are key to getting there.

I still have a lot of steps to take to get to where I would like to comfortably be financially. But I know in my heart that if I continue doing what I love, which finally for the first time in my life, I am doing… I will get there.

And if you haven’t started yet on your own dream, it is never too late to start…step by step while no one is looking. You never where it might lead you.

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