Love Opens The Greatest Door

Versión En Español: El Amor Abre Puertas
Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate Love. I want to share an inspiration about Love, but without the romantic notion with a partner. For those who have partners and are in love, I wish you the greatest continued joy in your journey together. For those who are in partnerships in need of more love, I wish for you that your hearts open to embrace love and allow for transformation to take place. After all, Love is the greatest force in the universe. Right?

At the moment, I am happily single, so my intention for Valentines is this:

Dear God, guide me to find the best door for my greatest happiness, in partnership, in work and in all my relationships with all the people that surround me. I open my heart to the love I feel inside and be led  to the best doorway and enter with the energy of wonder, excitement and joy of seeing what opportunities are coming my way.

My intention is to and trust that I am guided to the doorway that is bursting at the seams with love so that everything I do is permeated with this delicious energy called amor, amore, liebe, amour, liefde, ahava and so much more.

Happy Valentine’s Day..and may the force of love be with you today!

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