Heaven Is For Real Movie Triggers My Heart


Yesterday I accidently deleted all my documents and videos on my computer from last year. Luckily I had my information saved from prior years on external drives. Since I am constantly going to a lot of conferences, networking events and my geeky side tends to do alot of research, I ended up with alot of files on my computer. So when I realized that I had deleted them all permanently, I took it as a symbol of letting go and being lighter.

En Español:  El Cielo Es Real

Last night, after spending hours trying to get back my documents with special recover software which didn’t work, I created this image with the text: “Today is a marvelous day to start something new” to share on my Facebook page. Then today I woke up feeling a bit different knowing that the incident of deleting all the files in my computer triggered something in me.

I happened to have an invite to see a screening today of the movie “Heaven Is For Real.” It is based on a true story of a young boy who has a near death experience and shares stories of being in heaven with his father who is a pastor. I had some moments crying during the movie because it brought back memories of when I was in a hospital 11 years ago fighting for my life in a series of surgeries after a severe car accident.

This is a video of the boy in real life at 9 years old.

In this movie, the little four year old boy “saw” heaven, Jesus and angels. I experienced something similar but have been afraid to write about it because as an adult, anyone would dismiss it as having hallucinations. It is easier to try to listen to a little boy who is four years old and still question him and doubt him. But as an adult, you are easily labeled crazy.

So the timing of my deleting all my files and going to see this movie today is hopefully taking me in a different direction of what I have been wanting to do here on Mi Caminar and that is to share more stories that happened to me in 2003. Stay tuned. As I said last year, my intention has been to be more vulnerable, but sometimes I operate as a turtle. It takes me a while. Being vulnerable is scary.

So go see Heaven Is For Real! It is beautiful. Now I want to go buy the book.


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