Earth Day: A Reminder To Appreciate The Beauty

Earth Day, which is celebrated on April 22nd this year, is a “a day that is intended to inspire awareness and appreciation for the  Earth’s natural environment, according to Wikipedia. And today, a group of over 80 Latina Lifestyle bloggers are synchronizing their blog posts to contribute to the awareness of this beautiful earth we live in in a Tweet Chat.

The first tweet chat, scheduled for Wednesday April 20th from 4:00 p.m. PST/7:00 p.m. EST to 5:00 p.m. PST – 8 p.m. EST; celebrates the group launch and focuses on “Earth Day,” with hash-tag #LLBlog. Participating group members will also post their Earth Day themed blogs in the morning to showcase the Latina Lifestyle blog content diversity.

Version en Español: Dia de La Tierra Un Dia Para Apreciar La Belleza

Some of my first blog posts on Mi Caminar were videos taken in my butterfly garden. I am fascinated by these creature’s transformation process from a caterpillar to cacoon and then to a beautiful butterfly flying free in the wind.  Before the transformation, they crawl slowly chomping on the leaves to prepare for their future flight in the air.

In the same way, we as human beings have to learn to move slower to appreciate the beautiful things this Earth gives us. Some ways of appreciating and being inspired by this beautiful earth can come right on your own home town & back yard.

Some of the things I have done in Miami:

Stopped and smelled the roses…

Enjoyed many sunrises by waking up early to anticipate the arrival of the day…

And watched many sunsets like this one while I was driving and stopped on the side of the road to observe its beauty…

Observed the different formations in the clouds, this one looked like angels to me….

Wondered what this child was thinking as he looked out in the horizon on the beach…

While I enjoyed listening to the sound of the ocean waves on the shore…

I also have a butterfly garden and have enjoyed observing the process from the seed of a milkweed plant to a butterfly in it’s full beauty flying free.

By taking the time to observe children, animals, birds, butterflies, plants, the oceans, trees, etc… in their natural flow, I can be more in touch to the pulse of the earth. This has helped me to be more peaceful and more attuned to creating a better vision for my life in the future.

Many times I have been in stress where everything seemed to crumble in front of me like my work and certain relationships in my life. As I recreated a better life for myself,  being able to attune to nature has helped me to step forward in a new way and eased being able to accept all challenging situations quietly and with as much humbleness as possible. By being in peace and in the flow, the process to transformation will unfold just like the beautiful butterfly.

We must take cues from nature to go with the  cycle of life to create a better world for ourselves. Sometimes it seems slow, but if we all take small steps to creating a better microcosmic vision for our own lives, before you know it, the macrocosm will do the same. Step by step…one day at a time with a clear vision of appreciating the beauty of this earth  makes us become more conscious to take better care of this precious Earth.

I believe by this simple way of being in the flow, then one is able to move outside of the little worlds we live in and expand out in community to do service with our own unique talents. It is difficult when we are caught up with life’s stresses. I definitely have been in this bubble, but little by little my world is expanding by connecting with so many wonderful people who wish to contribute something good in this world and I want to be a part of finding my little place in it to give back.

Happy Earth Day…beautiful Gaia…I’m looking forward to participating in your beautiful transformation!

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