4 Tips to Get Started on Something (Inspired By A Feather Cloud)

Today, after maybe about six months, I finally went to the beach. Living in Miami with gorgeous weather should not be something I do two times per year! It should be at least one time per week! Anyway, I’ve been looking for inspiration to write because lately my mind has been caught up in lots of techie things with my work. I love what I do, but my brain seems to be constantly wired.

As I was laying down on my beach chair I saw this cloud over the palm trees.


Artículo en  Español: Consejos Para Empezar Algo Nuevo

 And then10 minutes later it had transformed to this:

Luckily, I had thrown a pad of paper in my beach bag before leaving the house. While looking at the cloud, it reminded me of one of those quill pens with a feather. As I observed it, I heard this little voice in my head that said: “Start writing.” It took my another 15 minutes or so  before I finally grabbed the pen and paper.  

Here are the words that come to my mind as I sit here with the soft breeze and late afternoon warm sunshine rays absorbing my skin:

  • When you think too much, you might never start anything. So just do something now no matter how small the act.
  • If you get a visual sign shortly after putting an intention, take it as a sign and act on it. Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense. Just trust your gut that it is a nudge for something.
  • Waiting for that perfect moment and not acting just paralyzes you possibly because of fear of it not being “perfect”. There is never a perfect moment, just the moment to act when you are moved to.
  • Have confidence in what you love to do. Start with something simple and then see where it leads to.

So there you go. This is my simple post with some tips to get started on something. Not a Top 10 or Top 7 list…just 4. Don’t hesitate…it’s never too late.

I’m glad I enjoyed my Sunday. How about you? What do you do to unwind your mind and get clear on some new things you want to get started on?

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